
Healthy Living is Happy living. Let's fight to end Childhood Obesity.

Calling All Young Adults and Professional Athletes

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In case you were wondering, there are many websites dedicated to informing our society about childhood obesity and the efforts being done to eliminate it. My personal favorite website is for Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Campaign. This campaign is seriously incredible. If you have not had a chance to browse through it, or have never heard about it before now is the perfect time to check it out. There are links to other government websites like the Center for Disease Control and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services along with a blog about upcoming events and section dedicated to health tips. Viewing this website for the first time is what made me interested in childhood obesity. Prior to viewing this website, I understood that childhood obesity is a problem affecting America’s youth and that the First Lady is the leader of a campaign to end it, but I honestly never felt too concerned by the issue. I did not see that I could make an impact on youth. I am a sophomore in college with a sibling in college so I felt that dealing with childhood obesity should be left in the hands of adults, especially ones who interact with children on a regular basis. From reading articles and viewing websites, I realized that children see role models in anyone older than they are. One of my favorite videos on the Let’s Move Campaign’s website involves Michelle Obama and the Miami Heat basketball team. The video is somewhat of an interactive interview with the Heat players talking about how how eating well makes them better athletes. As they speak, they are shown drinking plenty of water and snacking on apples. To view the video click HERE! This video really struck me because I never thought about how impactful celebrities are on youth, which got me thinking about how not only do we need our parents involved in this movement, but also our young adults, celebrities, and athletes. Children look up to more than just their parents. Isn’t every child’s dream to be an Olympian or professional athlete? If we get these types of individuals involved, it will make our youth feel like they need to eat like their favorite stars in order to BECOME them. For other government supported websites like the Center for Disease Control and the Department of Health and Human Services, click on the links that will take you straight to the source.



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